CPR Consultant’s public policy-local government development website … “Where to from here?”

From modest beginnings:
The website at www.development.kauriglen.co.nz unashamedly is an early days start up …a gem in the rough … a work in progress. From its current development status, (with just our initial teaser sample contents on the development site) CPR has been set up initially to give subscribers a taste of things to come. There is of course much more … to come.
We will cover in this I’ve been thinking instalment, some of the features to be added … enhancements to be made to the existing site’s content. But first, an important message about Council “collegiality”.
The authors of the site are public policy professionals with a long and deep understanding of local government. We do not however represent that we know it all … far from it.
We will support this site for everyone’s benefit and hope that others, (Council CPR site-subscribers in the main) will join us. Our local government scene is characterized by a sharing, supportive and collegial environment. This is particularly true for its policy fields. We all stand to benefit from co-operative participation.
While policy issues will vary, there is usually a core methodology or body of resource-based knowledge common to all.
The commonality of much of these policy areas in fact underlies the rationale for the CPR website in that sharing of policy IP makes perfect sense so that the CPR site directly supports this process.
Coupled to these co-operative endeavours also is the belief that nobody needs to reinvent any more wheels, especially when the stuff, with the author-contributor’s collegial approval of course … can be provided “on tap” for all.
The initial site’s set up-content … of necessity and for obvious practicality reasons … has largely been confined to its in-depth coverage of only “the $$$ sign” disciplines, principally the financial and economic well beings.
The site also has dipped into other policy fields of, for example, governance and performance topics which, (though only for the moment), are covered to a more limited degree.
So where to now?
Future planned developments of the site include:
- More of the same, for example, continuous production and posting of many more special purpose-statistical benchmark reports, all in 5year (2014-2018) data rich graphical format … see five sample-examples in the first “Comparative” section on the development site.
- “Our” (CPR Consultant’s) production of … further and continuous additions of reports and studies to be placed at our third “Resources” section. This section’s searchable by topic Taxonomy, (List) is taken mostly from internet searching of extant NZLG policy content. Currently, these briefly annotated url and link – pointed contributions already number “in the hundreds” … with more emerging as our continuous trawling reveals them.
- Individual Council content has yet to be added and is likely to number … in the hundreds of items.
- “Your” (Subscriber Council) voluntary collegial contributions … your own Councils reports and studies … best in class, possibly of your own unique policy issues … many likely to be have been archived … maybe never having been published … of material that remains within the public domain may again see the light of day.
- Our multipurpose Blog section … a NZLG sector-wide open forum … a commentariats-clearing house space … which will service the following …
- CPR Consultants authored Blogs of current topics and other “I have been thinking” pieces”
- Your (moderated) comments and feedback on Blogs and your self-selected hot topics chosen from the CPR site content or from media and other sources that you are invited to comment upon
- Blog invitational guest contributor Oped length contributions, principally from CPR site subscribers and other authorities
- Links to Podcasts and media content relating to NZLG affairs
- An archive of newsletter and other noteworthy Blog content.
- Useful NZLG administrative policy-related information including url & email addresses of other useful policy expertise (both governmental and private sector consultancies).
The future … concentrating on improving value … with a collegial approach:
This is an exciting new initiative … its growth path to date involves long and deep experience in the sector though the site shows little obvious signs of these earlier trail-blazing footsteps … and! its success will depend on its current quality and relevance.
But … as Cleo said to Tony … “Rome will not be built in a day”.
We at CPR Consultantsare totally committed to the continuous addition to and improvement of ever more valuable and numerous resources to assist the work of Council Policy Analysts.
We welcome you aboard.