Terms & conditions
New Zealand Council policy and other professionals are distinguished from their highly competitive private sector compatriots, in that they relate to each other through their work in the sector, in a collegial and co-operative manner.
Taking this fortunate factor into account, our CPR site has at its heart, a philosophy of … “Collegial Cooperation”. We all stand to gain from tapping into this impressive level of cooperation.
The New Zealand Local Government (Council) scene is small … but it is “perfectly formed”.
While not large by international standards, its world-wide reputation for high policy and research standards is often “best in class”.
In addition … the sector’s professionals, executives and senior-managers, as policy developers and analysts, demonstrate daily their skills in addressing issues and problems that many jurisdictions never even consider. These impressive ground-breaking processes include:
- best in class forms of public consultation processes-service level reviews-public surveys
- performance improvement programmes
- imaginative use of the decision-making parts of the Local Government Act 2002,
- similarly, for the 2009 Act’s Financial management amendments such as debt benchmarking for example.
There is a lot to be proud of, much of it fostered by personnel’s co-operation as NZ Councils continue to share their knowledge … for they realise that often the sum of the collective parts of their efforts, exceed the individual sum of the parts themselves.
There are many ways that we at CPR suggest that subscribers can continue to foster this level of mutual support … most often this will be by submitting, for our assessment … and possible cataloging, their own policy and research reports and reviews that will give greater value to the CPR … and add to the benefits of our special purpose in-house developed tables, charts and accruing to all.
Often, through the sector’s trade associations, Councils regularly cooperate over a range of policy development initiatives.
Whether it is by taking part in Council team management war games, responding to sectoral questionnaires, appearing before parliamentary local government select committee hearings or just by trading their views and opinions with their peers … by phone, blog, Oped or email … Council people often assist each other with their sharing and with the sector at large by striving for better (policy, analysis and research) performance.
The CPR website intends to build on ”this spirit”.
The collegial-co-operative objective is inherent in the following Terms of Trade. The full benefit of this CPR initiative … with its more permissive-less legalistic wording and terms of trade … reflects as much.
Note: At risk of repetition … The CPR website, for the moment, concentrates on the policy and research topics concerned with Financial, Economic, Physical and Demographic subject areas of NZ Councils.
Other topics may from time to time be addressed but this content is often merely referenced on this site via the expedient of including a link/url to a better prime reference source … for the purposes of assisting further discussion and advanced research. These extensive links (if they exist for “other topic’ subject matter) may then be found indexed in Section Three “Resources”
Policy Subscription and Participation -Terms
The following terms of a CPR website registration-access agreement for subscribing Councils will comprise:
- To gain unrestricted access to the CPR website, subscribing Councils and approved other third parties must first fully complete the form-subscriber's screen input form and pay the annual subscription as it is currently posted
- Copyright: Subscribers undertake to print, circulate or provide by direct access to the CPR site, material and its IP, only to its own directly employed staff and associates
- Wherever possible, at their sole discretion, Councils are invited-requested to provide, with attribution, any of their own suitable CPR policy material to be used and displayed on the CPR website
- Other more specific terms of usage, for example moderation procedures of blog commentary to accompany this particular content … on the website will evolve
- Whilst great care has been taken to achieve 100% accuracy of all the data used in our reports and other content, (the vast majority of which are sourced from official public audited sources) … as to the use by subscribers of any corrupted or misidentified data, CPR Consultants are not responsible for any losses arising from the use of any CPR data/findings.
- Any commentary accompanying the CPR reportage is solely intended to support the continuous improvement of all standards of NZ local Council performance and their provision of public value for money for Council services.
- Personal and prompt “CPR” service statement: At all times, the small team at CPR Consultants, assisted by the best of available technology is dedicated to provide 24/7 responses to all subscriber questions and comments … whenever they are called for.
Contact initially to Larry at Phone: 0274 792328 ... larry@kauriglen.co.nz
To subscribe, go to CPR-Council Annual 2021 Subscription Form