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Inventory of all 2021 cprlifesaver Financial and Economic Reports

Inventory of all 2021 cprlifesaver Financial and Economic Reports

The Inventory of cprlifesaver reports title is self-explanatory. All current (2021) reports are hypertext linked for quick access. This listing compliments the Site Navigation Schema https://cprlifesaver.co.nz, which also provides access to existing reports.

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cprlifesaver data update timetable

cprlifesaver Data Update Timetable

Our cprlifesaver NZLG database … principally consists of Council *Balance Sheet, P & L items, Assets, Liabilities, Expenditures and Revenues. That is; financial data taken from all 67 NZ Territorial and Unitary Council annual financial statements ... as reported by Statistics NZ ... annually.

*The term Balance Sheet stands in for the LG Act terminology of "Statements of Financial Position" … and Profit and Loss Account stands in for "Statements of Financial Performance".

Note: Of necessity the most current statistics-data on our website, will be posted on the site 11 months after the Council balance date (see timetable below).

Website Update Item Timing
Council Balance date financial statements Councils prepare their FS at 30th June of every year … audited by (say) October of the same year.
Statistics NZ collect all Council FS and produce their spreadsheets … we add other cprlifesaver data from numerous other sources Example of timetable:
  • 30th June (say 2020) FS prepared by Councils available (say October 2020)
  • Statistics NZ spreadsheets and other sources become available to CPR Consultants the following year (by May 2021).
cprlifesaver database updates Usually completed (by July 2021).

As at August 2021 the website holds 2020 FS from Councils plus the four preceding years … 2016,2017,2018,2019 data history-longitudinal series graphs etc refer.

The cprlifesaver application fact-sheet

The cprlifesaver application fact-sheet

All the facts and information you need for a quick synopsis of the details relating to our upgraded (August 2021) cprlifesaver application.

LG Financial Statistics App Technical File-note (in great detail)

LG Financial Statistics App Technical File-note (in great detail)

The objective of this file-note is to describe the technical aspects involved in the production of the cprlifesaver local government (NZ Territorial Council) financial and economic statistics application.

Download Technical File-Note
Public Information emails – a continuing series of cprlifesaver informative emails

Public information emails - a continuing series of cprlifesaver informative emails

This section documents our flow of emails, letters, and all communications with our client base as an archive record, and as an FYI.

1st posting: cprlifesaver provides your Council’s Vital Stats” (7 September 2021)

2nd posting: NZ Council “Three-Waters” cprlifesaver “Vital Stats” (9 September 2021)

3rd posting: cprlifesaver “Out of Lockdown” specials (9 September 2021)

List of Useful URLs

List of Useful URLs

This section provides useful “clicks” to speed up the search/find process.

Grouped list of Councils

Grouped list of Councils

cprlifesaver, as explained in detail elsewhere, enhances the comparability of the analysis of all New Zealand Councils by dividing them into five "like-with-like" Council groups.

These are:

  •  City
  • Metropolitan
  • Provincial
  • Rural
  • Unitary
Councils by Region

Regional Councils and their Local Territorial Authorities

This is a list of all of the 11 Regional Councils (Auckland to Chatham Islands), and the names of the Territorial Local Authorities (67) within their local boundaries.

Resume of Larry N. Mitchell

Resume of Larry N. Mitchell

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Please contact Larry, with any questions you’d like to ask.